Presentation of the Review
Catholica is an international cultural periodical whose topics encompass both politics and religion. The first issue of the review was published in 1987, in particularly appropriate historical circumstances. The Soviet empire had started to collapse, administering a serious blow first – as was later confirmed – to the intellectual credibility of communism, then to Marxism, and even to the myth of the French Revolution. Simultaneously another myth was beginning to crack, this time within the Church. According to ‘The Ratzinger Report’, the Vatican II Council wasn’t bearing the wholesome fruits that had been expected of it. After many years of dithering, it was time for a new approach to the intricately intertwined fields of culture and faith.
Catholica aims to foster this broad-minded approach, while uncompromisingly seeking the truth. Such an approach requires a non-controversial style, striving not to offend anyone, and above all give credit where credit is due, i.e. by taking into consideration different viewpoints, no matter what school they might be related to. Hence a particular interest in events and trends of thought occurring outside France, especially in Italy, Germany, the United States and Spain. At the same time the quest for truth demands a balanced, honest argumentation to counter the pressure of overwhelming conformity and systematic moderation.
Catholica is not merely quality reading. It is, to some extent, a militant publication. First of all, because it is only supported by its subscribers, the commitment of a volunteer team, the generosity of a few donors, and a subsidy from the CNL (Centre National du Livre, a French government agency that subsidises the book industry). And secondly, because – whatever the topic : sociology, philosophy, art, spirituality, theology, ethics, history… – nothing is published for the mere “useless knowledge” so characteristic of our societies. On the contrary, the intention is to put an end to intellectual blindness, whether it be self-inflicted or not. Running through more than 100 issues, this is probably the underlying current that best expresses Catholica’s soul.
Catholica has until now released the following articles by : Manuela Alessio, Miguel Ayuso Torres, Philippe Baillet, Claude Barthe, Philippe Barthelet, Massimo Borghesi, Walter Braun, †Jean Brun, Danilo Castellano, Igor Chafarévitch, Bernard Chantebout, Jean-Claude Chesnais, Cornelia Comorovski, †Dario Composta, Hervé Courau, Edouard Divry, †Jean-Marie Domenach, Cornelio Fabro, John Finnis, Claudio Finzi, Philippe Forget, Florent Gaboriau, Pietro Giuseppe Grasso, Germain Grisez, Stanislaw Grygiel, Henri-Pierre Jeudy, Aude de Kerros, Teodoro Klitsche de la Grange, Peter Koslowski, Serge Latouche, Patrick Laude, Annie Laurent, Jean-Michel Lemoyne de Forges, Francesco Leoni, †Pierre Loudot, Reinhard Löw, Jean-Paul Maisonneuve, Xavier Martin, Vladimir Maximov, Dominique Millet-Gérard, Thomas Molnar, John Navone, Francis Olivier, Monica Papazu, Jean-Marie Paupert, Tito Perlini, Augustin Pic, Jean-Pierre Péroncel-Hugoz, Stéphen de Petiville, Laurent-Marie Pocquet du Haut-Jussé, Emile Poulat, Philippe-Jean Quillien, Denis Ramelet, Lorenzo Ramella, Alain Rauwel, Christophe Réveillard, Pierre Rigoulot, Günter Rohrmoser, Giovanni Russo, Ansgar Santogrossi, Jean Sarocchi, Michel Schooyans, Jean-Pierre Sironneau, Christine Sourgins, Robert Spaemann, Friedrich‑H. Tenbruck, Yvon Tranvouez, Jean-Marc Trigeaud, Jorge Valls, Alexandra Viatteau, Jean de Viguerie, François Vauthier, Francis Volle, Eric Werner, Jean-Jacques Wunenburger, Paul Yonnet, †Alexandre Zinoviev…
Catholica has also published many interviews with : Salvatore Abbruzzese, Michel Bastit, Colette Beaune, Philippe Bénéton, Ernst Wolgang Böckenförde, Vladimir Boukovski, Henri Boulad, Rony Braumann, Philippe Breton, Sylvie Brunel, Gérard Chaliand, Pierre Chaunu, Jean Chesneaux, Antoine Compagnon, Eugenio Corti, Stéphane Courtois, Laurent Danchin, Olivier Dard, Gérard-François Dumont, Jacques Dupâquier, Jacques Ellul, Alain Etchegoyen, Thierry Garcin, Vincent de Gaulejac, Raoul Girardet, Jean-Claude Guillebaud, Guy Hermet, François-Bernard Huyghe, Charles Jeantelot, Jacques Julliard, Jean-Noël Kapferer, Serge Latouche, Renata Lesnik, Alain Lorans, Esmeralda Luciolli, Pierre Manent, Günter Maschke, Yves Meaudre, Henri Mendras, Jean-Claude Milner, Georges Mink, Léo Moulin, Boulos Naaman, Véronique Nahoum-Grappe, Philippe Nemo, Christophe Nick, †Silvio Oddi, Marcel Pérès, Luc Perrin, Leonid Plioutch, Bob Quinn, Xavier Raufer, Pierre Rigoulot, Pierre Rosanvallon, Frédéric Rouvillois, Dominique Schnapper, Lucien Sfez, Alain-Gérard Slama, Robert Spaemann, Jacques Testart, Philippe Thureau-Dangin, Michel Villey, Paul Virilio, Jan Vladislav, Uli Windisch, Thierry Wolton, Jean-Jacques Wunemburger, Ilios Yannakakis, Alexandre Zinoviev, Giancarlo Zizola.…
Catholica. Quarterly Review. Approx. 140–170 pages. Price per issue :
12 Euros. Subscription : — 6 month (2 issues) : 16 Euros – one year : 54 Euros – support subscription : 90 Euros.
(For any further information please contact our editorial board : revue.catholica (at)