Revue de réflexion politique et religieuse.

Pre­sen­ta­tion of the Review

Catho­li­ca is an inter­na­tio­nal cultu­ral per­io­di­cal whose topics encom­pass both poli­tics and reli­gion. The first issue of the review was publi­shed in 1987, in par­ti­cu­lar­ly appro­priate his­to­ri­cal cir­cum­stances. The Soviet empire had star­ted to col­lapse, admi­nis­te­ring a serious blow first – as was later confir­med – to the intel­lec­tual cre­di­bi­li­ty of com­mu­nism, then to Mar­xism, and even to the myth of the French Revo­lu­tion. Simul­ta­neous­ly ano­ther myth was begin­ning to crack, this time within the Church. Accor­ding to ‘The Rat­zin­ger Report’, the Vati­can II Coun­cil wasn’t bea­ring the who­le­some fruits that had been expec­ted of it. After many years of dithe­ring, it was time for a new approach to the intri­ca­te­ly inter­t­wi­ned fields of culture and faith.

Catho­li­ca aims to fos­ter this broad-min­ded approach, while uncom­pro­mi­sin­gly see­king the truth. Such an approach requires a non-contro­ver­sial style, stri­ving not to offend anyone, and above all give cre­dit where cre­dit is due, i.e. by taking into consi­de­ra­tion dif­ferent view­points, no mat­ter what school they might be rela­ted to. Hence a par­ti­cu­lar inter­est in events and trends of thought occur­ring out­side France, espe­cial­ly in Ita­ly, Ger­ma­ny, the Uni­ted States and Spain. At the same time  the quest for truth demands a balan­ced, honest argu­men­ta­tion to coun­ter the pres­sure of overw­hel­ming confor­mi­ty and sys­te­ma­tic mode­ra­tion.

Catho­li­ca is not mere­ly qua­li­ty rea­ding. It is, to some extent, a mili­tant publi­ca­tion. First of all, because it is only sup­por­ted by its sub­scri­bers, the com­mit­ment of a volun­teer team, the gene­ro­si­ty of a few donors, and a sub­si­dy from the CNL (Centre Natio­nal du Livre, a French govern­ment agen­cy that sub­si­dises the book indus­try). And second­ly, because – wha­te­ver the topic : socio­lo­gy, phi­lo­so­phy, art, spi­ri­tua­li­ty, theo­lo­gy, ethics, his­to­ry… – nothing is publi­shed for the mere “use­less know­ledge” so cha­rac­te­ris­tic of our socie­ties. On the contra­ry, the inten­tion is to put an end to intel­lec­tual blind­ness, whe­ther it be self-inflic­ted or not. Run­ning through more than 100 issues, this is pro­ba­bly the under­lying cur­rent that best expresses Catholica’s soul.

Catho­li­ca has until now relea­sed the fol­lo­wing articles by : Manue­la Ales­sio, Miguel Ayu­so Torres, Phi­lippe Baillet, Claude Barthe, Phi­lippe Bar­the­let, Mas­si­mo Bor­ghe­si, Wal­ter Braun, †Jean Brun, Dani­lo Cas­tel­la­no, Igor Cha­fa­ré­vitch, Ber­nard Chan­te­bout, Jean-Claude Ches­nais, Cor­ne­lia Como­rovs­ki, †Dario Com­pos­ta, Her­vé Cou­rau, Edouard Divry, †Jean-Marie Dome­nach, Cor­ne­lio Fabro, John Fin­nis, Clau­dio Fin­zi, Phi­lippe For­get, Florent Gabo­riau, Pie­tro Giu­seppe Gras­so, Ger­main Gri­sez, Sta­nis­law Gry­giel, Hen­ri-Pierre Jeu­dy, Aude de Ker­ros, Teo­do­ro Klitsche de la Grange, Peter Kos­lows­ki, Serge Latouche, Patrick Laude, Annie Laurent, Jean-Michel Lemoyne de Forges, Fran­ces­co Leo­ni, †Pierre Lou­dot, Rein­hard Löw, Jean-Paul Mai­son­neuve, Xavier Mar­tin, Vla­di­mir Maxi­mov, Domi­nique Millet-Gérard, Tho­mas Mol­nar, John Navone, Fran­cis Oli­vier, Moni­ca Papa­zu, Jean-Marie Pau­pert, Tito Per­li­ni, Augus­tin Pic, Jean-Pierre Péron­cel-Hugoz, Sté­phen de Peti­ville, Laurent-Marie Poc­quet du Haut-Jus­sé, Emile Pou­lat, Phi­lippe-Jean Quillien, Denis Rame­let, Loren­zo Ramel­la, Alain Rau­wel, Chris­tophe Réveillard, Pierre Rigou­lot, Gün­ter Rohr­mo­ser, Gio­van­ni Rus­so, Ans­gar San­to­gros­si, Jean Saroc­chi, Michel Schooyans, Jean-Pierre Siron­neau, Chris­tine Sour­gins, Robert Spae­mann, Friedrich‑H. Ten­bruck, Yvon Tran­vouez, Jean-Marc Tri­geaud, Jorge Valls, Alexan­dra Viat­teau, Jean de Vigue­rie, Fran­çois Vau­thier, Fran­cis Volle, Eric Wer­ner, Jean-Jacques Wunen­bur­ger, Paul Yon­net, †Alexandre Zino­viev…

Catho­li­ca has also publi­shed many inter­views with : Sal­va­tore Abbruz­zese, Michel Bas­tit, Colette Beaune, Phi­lippe Béné­ton, Ernst Wol­gang Böckenförde, Vla­di­mir Bou­kovs­ki, Hen­ri Bou­lad, Rony Brau­mann, Phi­lippe Bre­ton, Syl­vie Bru­nel, Gérard Cha­liand, Pierre Chau­nu, Jean Ches­neaux, Antoine Com­pa­gnon, Euge­nio Cor­ti, Sté­phane Cour­tois, Laurent Dan­chin, Oli­vier Dard, Gérard-Fran­çois Dumont, Jacques Dupâ­quier, Jacques Ellul, Alain Etche­goyen, Thier­ry Gar­cin, Vincent de Gau­le­jac, Raoul Girar­det, Jean-Claude Guille­baud, Guy Her­met, Fran­çois-Ber­nard Huy­ghe, Charles Jean­te­lot, Jacques Jul­liard, Jean-Noël Kap­fe­rer, Serge Latouche, Rena­ta Les­nik, Alain Lorans, Esme­ral­da Luciol­li, Pierre Manent, Gün­ter Maschke, Yves Meaudre, Hen­ri Men­dras, Jean-Claude Mil­ner, Georges Mink, Léo Mou­lin, Bou­los Naa­man, Véro­nique Nahoum-Grappe, Phi­lippe Nemo, Chris­tophe Nick, †Sil­vio Oddi, Mar­cel Pérès, Luc Per­rin, Leo­nid Plioutch, Bob Quinn, Xavier Rau­fer, Pierre Rigou­lot, Pierre Rosan­val­lon, Fré­dé­ric Rou­villois, Domi­nique Schnap­per, Lucien Sfez, Alain-Gérard Sla­ma, Robert Spae­mann, Jacques Tes­tart, Phi­lippe Thu­reau-Dan­gin, Michel Vil­ley, Paul Viri­lio, Jan Vla­di­slav, Uli Win­disch, Thier­ry Wol­ton, Jean-Jacques Wunem­bur­ger, Ilios Yan­na­ka­kis, Alexandre Zino­viev, Gian­car­lo Zizo­la.…

Catho­li­ca. Quar­ter­ly Review. Approx. 140–170 pages. Price per issue :
12 Euros. Sub­scrip­tion : — 6 month (2 issues) : 16 Euros – one year : 54 Euros – sup­port sub­scrip­tion : 90 Euros.

(For any fur­ther infor­ma­tion please contact our edi­to­rial board : revue.catholica (at)